
Braxton Affirms SCHPC Opposes Any Change In Location For Orangeburg Monument

SCHPC Chairman yesterday responded immediately to correct a Times and Democrat article which implied that local Heritage groups were in agreement to moving the downtown Confederate monument. Today’s article states:

Buzz Braxton of Orangeburg, who wants to keep the monument on Memorial Plaza, said he made contacts in the wake of Tuesday’s T&D report. His non-profit S.C. History Preservation Committee has intervened along with the UDC and others in a legal case seeking removal of the Orangeburg statue.

“I sent out a mass email across the state. I wanted people to be aware of the article,” he said.

Braxton said he contacted the UDC and was told “unequivocally” that the organization is not in favor of the legislation.

“South Carolina’s rich traditional heritage is under attack,” the attorney for Braxton’s organization, Lauren Martel, said. “We need to be sure we follow the law. This statute clearly falls under the Heritage Act.”

See the full article here.

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